Namied Patent & Trademark Law Office

China Patent Application - Invention

Sale price Price $1,299.00 Regular price $1,999.00 Unit price  per 

 > >About Invention
   An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. The invention process is a process within an overall engineering and product development process. It may be an improvement upon a machine or product or a new process for creating an object or a result. The invention patent application has the most stable legal status and highest technical value, which fixes the commodity property of the invention and protects the benefits of inventors. 

 > >Steps & Stages
>Finish the first draft (7 days);
>Confirm and submit the application files (1-5 days);
>Official acceptance (1-3 business days);
>Official first trial (4-6 months);
>Official public (6-8 months for early public; 18 months for regular public);
>Official substantial examination  (Official fee: application fee for examination);
>Official authorization (2-3 years);
>Official certification issued (Official fee: authorization fee).

The price we charge in listing is for agent fee only. Official fee charged by government is not included.