Namied Patent & Trademark Law Office

China Patent Application - Utility Model

Sale price Price $799.00 Regular price $1,399.00 Unit price  per 

 > >About Utility Model

 Utility model system provides protection of so-called “minor inventions” through a system similar to the patent system. Recognizing that minor improvements of existing products, which does not fulfill the patentability requirements, may have an important role in a local innovation system, utility models protect such inventions through granting an exclusive right, which allows the right holder to prevent others from commercially using the protected invention, without his authorization, for a limited period of time. 

 > >Steps & Stages
>Finish the first draft (7 days);
>Confirm and submit the application files (1-5 days);
>Official acceptance (1-3 business days);
>Official review (2-4 months);
>Official authorization (4-6 months);
>Official certification issued (Official fee: authorization fee).

The price we charge in listing is for agent fee only. Official fee charged by government is not included.